What is diabetes? There are three main types of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the most common, in which the body doesn’t use or create insulin correctly and causes too much suger to be in the blood. Type 1 diabetes happens when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin. Gestational diabetes can develop in pregnant women due to hormone changes.

Control Type 2 Diabetes
As we approach the season of holiday parties and sweets, here are a few tips to help you keep diabetes care at the top of your list.
- Party with a plan. If you're going to a party, offer to bring a healthy appetizer. This way you know you have at least one dish you can enjoy.
- Eat at your usual times. Maintain a routine to help keep your blood sugar stable. When you’re served later than usual, eat a healthy snack at your regular time.
- Think veggies first. Start with a salad.
- Forget the idea of forbidden foods. Indulgence is okay when moderate. When you’re craving a slice of pie, cut back on other carbs. Have a small slice, eat slowly and savor every bite.
- Limit alcohol or avoid it because it can lower your blood sugar and interfere with diabetes medication. When you do drink, have it with your meal.
- Move. It can be harder to find time to work out during this time of year. Walk, ice skate or shovel your sidewalk. Exercise burns fat and it helps move glucose from your blood to your cells.
- Sleep. More parties equal less sleep. Less sleep can make you want to eat more unhealthy foods. 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night is ideal.
- Stress less. The holidays can be stressful. Stress can elevate your blood sugar. Get a massage, take a yoga class. Enjoy a hot bath and reenergize for the next event.
- Check your blood sugar levels often. The holidays can change your routine and diet. Make sure to stay on top of your blood sugar levels. Ask your doctor if you should adjust your medication.
- Travel with snacks. When you are traveling over the holidays, keep healthy snacks with you. This will keep your blood sugar levels steady in case of flight delays or heavy traffic.
Solutions to the Diabetes Drug Shortage
While many people with type 2 diabetes rely on Ozempic for controlling their blood sugar, there’s now a huge shortage. A contributing factor is people without diabetes taking it for weight loss which is a side effect of Ozempic. But there are steps being taken to ensure those who need it most have access to this med. For one, doctors are encouraged to prioritize prescribing Ozempic to patients with type 2 diabetes.
Your Journey to Health
Hearing that you have diabetes can be scary. But know that you have the support of an entire community that understands what you’re going through. By staying on top of your condition, you can control the disease and live a normal, healthy life.