Posts tagged "Medication"

Photo of senior man organizning his medications in his weekly pillbox.
Help for Medicare Advantage members who have trouble accessing prescribed medications or taking them as prescribed
Pills spilled on the table
When was the last time you cleaned out your medicine cabinet? Find out about the importance of keeping your medication current.
Photo of cute kid lying in the grass
Does it feel like your child always has a runny nose, the sneezes or watery eyes? Running out of tissues? Learn new ways to deal with hay fever.
Woman looking at medicines in medicine cabinet.
April 30 is National Drug Take Back Day. This is an opportunity to safely and responsibly dispose of unneeded prescription medicines. 
Pharmacist advising patient
The role of the pharmacist goes way beyond simply filling your prescriptions.
While you’ve most likely used a thermometer, did you realize what it can tell you about your health? Learn the significance of body temperature.