Posts tagged "Mindfulness"
They say dogs are man’s best friend, but what if they could also become your teacher? Learn some life lessons from Fido.
When was the last time you really tasted your food or smelled the flowers on a walk? Focusing on your senses can bring calm to a busy world.
Do you feel like some things are holding you back or weighing you down? Maybe you just need to align your mind, body and soul.
How do you cope when you’re upset or in a stressful situation? Learn how to manage your feelings by self-soothing and engaging each of your senses.
You’ve heard of the power of positive thinking, but what about the power of thinking to gain perspective? Learn where your thoughts can take you.
They say we hurt the ones we love — but in the process, we may also be hurting ourselves. Learn how to be mindful in your relationships.
Staying in your comfort zone may feel safe, but it’s not always the best option. A little anxiety might do you some good!
Do you feel like you’re addicted to sugar and can’t go any length of time without it? Learn some lessons from a former sugar addict after her first cleanse.
Are you stuck in a rut? Sitting around waiting for inspiration to strike? Learn 10 tricks to help you engage your creative side.
We’ve all heard of body boot camps, but did you know you can build mental muscle by training a different way? Learn exercises that positively shape mental strength.